1oo% safe & effective


Your pet's wellness matters to us, and we’re here to help them thrive.

At TeroMed, we’re revolutionizing the way we approach pet care with cutting-edge Infrared Light Therapy. Our versatile therapy products are not just for humans—they can also be used to support the health and recovery of your furry companions. Whether you're a veterinarian or a pet owner looking to enhance your pet’s wellness, our products are a must-have.

From small, targeted wraps ideal for house pets, to larger pads and panels suitable for horses, we offer a range of solutions to meet the unique needs of all animals.

How It Works

Red Light works for pets by helping animals make energy and regenerate tissues more efficiently at the cellular level. Mammals of all sizes need to take in food, water, oxygen and light to produce energy and power their bodies. All mammals do this through the cellular respiration process, which creates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy. When an animal is exposed to Red and NIR Light, those wavelengths are absorbed by the mitochondria in an animals cells. Red Light Therapy exposure can increase the number of mitochondria in a mammal’s cells and also improve their function. Photons of red light stimulate electrons in the mitochondria helping to eliminate harmful nitric oxide that slows down the cellular respiration process. This ultimately helps an animal produce more ATP energy to power the body and its healing process.

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Certified Safe for Animals